
There is very little to say about cats, except that they need...

Magic Stairs
Walk downstairs backward, holding lighted candle over your he...

Lady Queen Anne
In this game, which is usually played by girls, one player hi...

Spelling Words
Have the pupils in aisle 1 face those in aisle 2, those in ai...

Paper And Cardboard Toys A Cocked Hat
To make a cocked hat, take a sheet of stiff paper and doub...

Double Dodgeball
_20 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ _Basket ...

The one who plays this trick must have an accomplice. The acc...

Down And Up
Players form in column of files. All spread legs. First pl...


Log Cabin
The tiny tots would enjoy building a log cabin of tooth-picks by placing upon the table two wooden tooth-picks about two inches apart in a horizontal line, then laying two tooth-picks across them in a vertical posi...

St Valentine's Day
Invitations for this party are written on red paper hearts. The decorations also are red paper hearts strung from the corners of the rooms to the chandeliers, between arches, draped across windows, etc., etc. ...

St Valentine's Post Office
The players sit in a circle around the room except one who is selected for postman, blind folded and placed in the center of the room. Some grown person, who acts as Postmaster General giving each child the name of...

Cupid Is Coming
The players seat themselves round the room, and one having announced "Cupid is coming," another questions, "How is he coming?" Whereupon everyone must in turn say "Cupid is coming amblingly" or "amiably," or use so...

Heart Hunt
Candy or paper hearts are hidden in nooks and corners, behind bric a brac, curtains, etc. Heart shaped paper baskets, boxes or envelopes are given to each hunter, to put the hearts in. The one finding the greatest ...

Cupid's Dart
A large white heart-shaped target having a small red heart for the bull's eye, a bow and cupid's dart are necessary for this game. Each person in turn stands a certain distance from the target and shoots at the red...

A Heart Guessing Contest
The following sentences are written on heart shaped cards and passed with pencils to the guests who are told to supply the missing word with a word whose first five letters spell heart. 1. Cupid's symbol--. ...

Broken Hearts
Place two red paper hearts which have been cut into several irregular pieces into an envelope and distribute to each gentleman guest, who selects a lady for a partner and at a signal they begin putting the pieces t...